Our Pal, Val: Valiant Thor Came In Peace

And Another Thing… By Gail Hodson Shirk, News Director SOR Our Pal, Val: Valiant Thor Came In Peace His name is Valiant Thor, and he came in peace. On March 16, 1957, a space craft landed at 8:00 AM in a field in Alexandria, Virginia. Upon arriving at the scene, two policemen were persuaded by […]

Seventy-Four Years And Counting: Roswell, Visited Again

And Another Thing… By Gail Hodson Shirk, News Director SOR Seventy-Four Years And Counting: Roswell, Visited Again Anyone who has given any thought to UFOs and aliens has most likely heard of Roswell, New Mexico, and the event in July, 1947 that took the UFO discussion to a whole new level. Albeit, the