This Week Live On Spaced Out Radio

This Week Live On Spaced Out Radio MONDAY – SUNDAY Hosts Dave Scott 9:00 PM to 12:00 Midnight (PST) – Weekdays Lynn Wallington 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (PST) – Weekends SOR After Hours Show: Big Willy, Gemma Jade & Jon Hudson 8:00 PM to End Of Show – Weekends Affiliates KZFX 93.7 FM Ridgecrest, California […]
In This Corner, The Defense Department And Across The Ring, The US Congress

And Another Thing… By Gail Hodson Shirk In This Corner, The Defense Department And Across Ring, The US Congress There is an interesting confrontation fomenting between the US Defense Department and Congress. Specifically, the Defense Department has launched, what appears to be, a preemptive strike on Congress by escalating research and actions regarding UFOs, […]
Historic Legislation Will Revolutionize Study And Treatment Of UFO Reports

And Another Thing… By Gail Hodson Shirk, News Director SOR HISTORIC LEGISLATION WILL REVOLUTIONIZE STUDY AND TREATMENT OF UFO REPORTS This is the critical and historic legislation, proposed by Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), that would revolutionize the study and understanding of UFOs. (Photo courtesy of The
Our Pal, Val: Valiant Thor Came In Peace

And Another Thing… By Gail Hodson Shirk, News Director SOR Our Pal, Val: Valiant Thor Came In Peace His name is Valiant Thor, and he came in peace. On March 16, 1957, a space craft landed at 8:00 AM in a field in Alexandria, Virginia. Upon arriving at the scene, two policemen were persuaded by […]
This Week Live On Spaced Out Radio

This Week Live On Spaced Out Radio Monday – Sunday From 9:00 PM To 12:00 AM (PST) Affiliates KZFX 93.7 FM Ridgecrest, California WQEE 99.1 FM Newnan, Georgia SPREAKER UPRN SAUGA 960 AM, Mississauga, Ontario Revolution Radio KZAX 94.9 FM Bellingham, Washington KBSZ 93.7 FM, The Rattler, Apache Junction, Arizona Guests Monday, November 8 – ‘UFO Jane’ Kyle – […]
Seventy-Four Years And Counting: Roswell, Visited Again

And Another Thing… By Gail Hodson Shirk, News Director SOR Seventy-Four Years And Counting: Roswell, Visited Again Anyone who has given any thought to UFOs and aliens has most likely heard of Roswell, New Mexico, and the event in July, 1947 that took the UFO discussion to a whole new level. Albeit, the United States […]
Footage Of UFO And Cargo Plane Encounter Released

And Another Thing… By Gail Hodson Shirk, News Director SOR FOOTAGE OF UFO AND CARGO PLANE ENCOUNTER RELEASED On March 19, 2020, a cargo plane encountered a mysterious object while flying near Monterrey, Mexico. Reports state two pilots were involved with the unidentified object, and they described what they saw as a “pulsating orb.” The […]
Nordics, Greys, And A United States President: The Greada Treaty

And Another Thing… By Gail Hodson Shirk, News Director SOR Nordics, Greys, And A United States President: The Greada Treaty It is February 20, 1954. President Dwight David Eisenhower is on a quickly called for and arranged mini-vacation to Palm Springs, California. He just had a vacation in Georgia, but it appears he needs more […]
BREAKING NEWS The Honorable Paul T Hellyer Passes Away At Age 98

The Honorable Paul T Hellyer has passed away at 98 years old. He passed away peacefully in his home, surrounded by his family in Toronto, Canada. He holds the distinction of being the longest serving member of the Queen’s Privy Council. In early September 2005, Mr. Hellyer made headlines by publicly announcing that he believed in […]
Woman Thinks She Found UFO In Backyard Garden

Woman thinks she found UFO in her backyard garden. (Photo courtesy of Unilad)