This Week Live On Spaced Out Radio

This Week Live On Spaced Out Radio MONDAY – SUNDAY Hosts Dave Scott 9:00 PM to 12:00 Midnight (PST) – Weekdays Lynn Wallington 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (PST) – Weekends SOR After Hours Show: Big Willy, Gemma Jade & Jon Hudson 8:00 PM to End Of Show – Weekends Affiliates KZFX 93.7 FM Ridgecrest, California […]
Our Pal, Val: Valiant Thor Came In Peace

And Another Thing… By Gail Hodson Shirk, News Director SOR Our Pal, Val: Valiant Thor Came In Peace His name is Valiant Thor, and he came in peace. On March 16, 1957, a space craft landed at 8:00 AM in a field in Alexandria, Virginia. Upon arriving at the scene, two policemen were persuaded by […]
Brain Zapping Helmet Could Cure Dementia

Brain zapping helmet could cure dementia. (Photo courtesy of The Sun)
Hacker Who Stole $6 Million In Crypto Says It Was Just For Fun And Coins Are Being Returned

The hacker who breached the Poly Network crypto platform says the theft was just “for fun” and that the hacker is now returning the stolen coins. (Photo courtesy of arstechnica)
NASA Facility In Ohio Named For Native Son, Neil Armstrong

NASA facility in Ohio named for native son, Neil Armstrong. (Photo courtesy of AP)
The Perseid Meteor Shower Is Underway

The Perseid meteor shower is underway.The meteor shower runs from around July 17 to Aug. 24, peaking across Canada this year on the night of Aug. 11-12. (Photo courtesy of Zee News)
Blob That Can Think Being Sent Into Space

Blob that can think is being sent into space. (Photo courtesy of CBI/CRCA/CNES/CNRS PHOTOTHÈQUE/DAVID VILLA / SCIENCEIMAGE, 2021)
Very Slow Robot Sets Running Record At Oregon State University

Very slow robot sets running record at Oregon State University. (Photo courtesy of
Stockton, CA Restaurant Hires Robot To Offset Worker Shortage

Restaurant in Stockton, California hires robot to offset worker shortage. (Photo courtesy of UPI)
Russian Module Unexpectedly Fires Thrusters After Docking To ISS

Russian module unexpectedly fires thrusters after docking to ISS. https :// (Photo courtesy of Gizmodo)