Indigenous Medicines & The Unseen Part 3

Other Realms Contact Seekers By MoonJoey Indigenous Medicines & The Unseen Part 3 “They knew that they only had “a” chance to deal with him. They literally killed him. They tore him apart. They tore his body into pieces.” You can reference parts 1 & 2 with these links: Part 1: Part 2: […]
Could Sasquatch Be Flesh And Blood?

Other Realms Contact Seekers By MoonJoey Could Sasquatch Be Flesh and Blood? Take notice of the picture accompanying this article. It shows a bird feather in two different positions in relation to the light striking it. Our eyes perceive the color(s) of what we view based on the wavelengths of light that objects either absorb […]
Why Do Ghosts Like Supermarkets?

Other Realms Contact Seekers By MoonJoey Why Do Ghosts Like Supermarkets? In these days of Coronavirus, it is a common thing for things like toilet paper “flying off the shelves” as is the familiar colloquialism today that describes an item being sold out of stock quickly. This article is about a different kind of “flying […]
U.S. Government Zombie Plan

Other Realms Contact Seekers By MoonJoey U. S. Government Zombie Plan Did you know that in 2011, a plan outlining steps to be taken in the event of an actual zombie apocalypse was drawn up by the U.S. Government? The plan’s intent was to contain functional ideas of action across multiple catastrophe contingencies, including nuclear […]

Other Realms Contact Seekers By MoonJoey Faith There is a saying… “Without faith, paranormal evidence is proof of nothing.” This point cannot be reasonably argued against. I wish to emphasize that there is still some usefulness for having faith in such instances, if nothing less than to give birth to the possibility of a hypothesis […]
The Non-Glamorous Paranormal

Other Realms Contact Seekers By MoonJoey The Non-Glamorous Paranormal While I was out in the woods, I had an encounter with Bigfoot! I saw a UFO last night! My house is haunted! We heard it before and some of you may have even been one who makes such statements. What’s next? Well, it’s time for the […]
Paranormal Questions

Other Realms Contact Seekers By MoonJoey Paranormal Questions If you’re anything like me, you’ve visited haunted locations too numerous to count, researched or used just about every piece of ghost hunting equipment and most likely come to the same conclusions as many others involved in the pursuit of the paranormal. Instead of more answers, I […]
The Unseen And Dark Medicine, PART 2

Other Realms Contact Seekers By MoonJoey The Unseen and Dark Medicine, PART 2 The Interview Continues See PART 1 if you wish to catch up: OMOLKHUA: “The medicine circle has four different colors, and each color represents an essence to it. The circle itself is not flat or one dimensional. It is like a […]
Indigenous Medicines & The Unseen

Other Realms Contact Seekers By MoonJoey Indigenous Medicines & The Unseen “In some mysterious and wonderful way you are part of everything. And in the same mysterious and wonderful way, everything is part of you.” — Nippawanock, ARAPAHOE Spirit contact was part of the culture of Indigenous peoples long before the 19th Century. They didn’t […]
Mitakuye Oyasin – Introduction

Other Realms Contact Seekers By MoonJoey MITAKUYE OYASIN – Introduction I don’t know about you, but I am bored stiff with the same old TV shows about the paranormal, the numerous ‘teams’ out there running around with their ghost detection instruments, shouting in amazement when those very same instruments register something they were designed to […]