Dave’s Write Away
By Dave Scott, Host, Spaced Out Radio
The Power Of A Tweet Can Alter Perception
And just like that, the game of ufology has changed, thanks to Tom DeLonge.
This past Saturday, DeLonge sent out a tweet, changing the entire game of the To The Stars Academy, that seemed to catch a multitude of UFO researchers and enthusiasts off guard. When the TTSA first came into public view, just over two years ago, with a press-less press conference in Seattle on October 11th, 2017, there was real hype surrounding the group, and their future efforts to try and bring UFO ‘Disclosure’ to the public eye. It was time to make the government admit what they’ve been hiding for decades, that UFOs were real, and they know about them.
Within two months, the entire field shifted when the TTSA forced the mainstream media to take this subject seriously after years of ridicule, and refusing to talk UFOs with any seriousness. This obviously came with the New York Times article that was released in December of 2017. The release of the three U.S. Navy Videos. David Fravour. And others started talking UFOs, which were now called UAPs or Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon. The media started taking this seriously. The TTSA can be thanked for keeping the pressure on, to where this year, we’ve seen the Navy admit the videos are real. The Pentagon saying they’ve investigated UFOs and continue to do so.
There’s much credit the TTSA deserves in getting the UFO subject prime time. But it’s come at a real cost. Their alienation of the UFO field has caused many enemies. Their lack of consultation with current UFO researchers has been non-existent. Their dodging of media outlets that are knowledgeable of the subject has left media outlets and hosts, such as myself fuming at the snub. And for many, it’s caused a real lack of distrust with this group of all-star researchers, scientists and former CIA agents.
DeLonge has been an anomaly since the beginning, starting with his appearance on the Joe Rogan Experience, where I learned from sources, that interview literally almost cost the rock star the TTSA before it barely got off the ground, because of his lack of professionalism on the popular podcast. He has continuously posted then pulled tweets and Instagram posts for unknown reasons that we can only speculate. But one of his latest tweets really seems to change the game.
His tweet read: “It’s good to point out that @TTSAcademy is NOT a “UFO research group” – we are an advanced Aerospace, Science and Entertainment consortium, run by a FMR Prog Director of Lockheed Martin Skunkworks, multiple high-ranking Defense and Intelligence Officials / DOD Physicists.
This tweet comes on the heels of the TTSA announcing a working partnership agreement with the United States Army. Where, although there is no cash changing hands, the Army is going to spend three quarters of a million dollars upgrading their science labs and data, to see if these potential alien meta materials are real, and can help the Army in their future of defense.
Hold on a sec here. You have always hyped yourself as the all-star UFO Group, Tom. If you’re not a UFO group, why, up until recently, have you been pushing for Disclosure? Why did you create the ‘Unidentified’ UFO show for History channel, with a second season coming? Why in your press-less press conference did you announce the creation of an app to announce where UFOs were being spotted? Why were you asking to talk with experiencers? Why did you try to buy the ET Contact statistics from FREE Experiencers? Why was it important, Tom, to set your team up to look like one of Robert Bigelow’s research groups? Why the debates and discussions on mainstream media that UFOs are real? Why release the Nimitz videos to the public?
Have you been lying to the public all along? Have you been trying to pull the wool over the eyes of those who’ve had real contact, and maybe been abducted? Is this why you’ve dodged media outlets for interview requests because you don’t want to talk UFOs? Is this all about becoming another black-project type company to help advance the military-industrial complex? If you’re not about UFOs, then what is the TTSA all about? I understand there’s a multitude of divisions with the group, but up until recently, it’s been ALL about UFOs, Tom. So what is it?
And this is why many in the UFO public has never trusted the To The Stars Academy.
The Power Of A Tweet Can Alter Perception
Gail Hodson Shirk