Newly Leaked Video Shows UAP Disappearing Into Water Off California Coast

A newly leaked Navy video appears to show an unidentified flying object disappearing into the water off California, according to a clip obtained by documentary filmmaker, Jeremy Corbell, and shared with NBC News. (Photo courtesy of TMZ)  

Woman Who Beheaded Owl On Video, Killed Outside Her Home In Columbia

A woman who posted a video of herself beheading an owl on social media was reportedly shot and killed Sunday by two assailants outside her home in Colombia. (Photo courtesy of Daily Mail)

Astronaut Victor Glover Captures Breathtaking Video Of Earth

NASA astronaut Victor Glover blasted into Earth’s orbit aboard a SpaceX Crew Dragoncraft last week. Soon after, Glover and three other astronauts safely docked to the International Space Station. He took the opportunity to video Earth from a breathtaking perspective. (Photo courtesy of Mashable)