Elon Musk’s Starship Lands Successfully, Then Explodes

Elon Musk’s SpaceX starship lands successfully, then explodes. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/03/03/spacex-starship-test-sn10/ (Photo courtesy of Getty Images)
SpaceX Starship Has Excellent Test Launch, Explodes As It Returns To Landing Site

SpaceX starship test launch explodes as it returns to landing site. https://www.space.com/spacex-starship-sn8-test-launch-landing-explosion?fbclid=IwAR0KStG2iZR8h4JO-a8eMv93JA7_ozbNzq6anq4bpItAvoTsvfLGY-rfVNw (Photo courtesy of Daily Mail)
Galactic Federation Of Light Starship

UFO’Real? A Historical Review By William Pullin, UFO Historian Galactic Federation Of Light Starship Greetings! Galactic Federation of Light Starship. Recently, in the course of sharing last week’s edition of “UFOs: A Grounded Commentary,” a comment was left behind making claims which I feel compelled to comment on. The comment in question had absolutely nothing […]