People Putting Trust In Arnold Schwarzenegger Should Aliens Invade Earth

A swath of people in Great Britain have put their trust in Arnold Schwarzenegger should aliens decide to invade Earth. (Photo courtesy of shutterstock)
Britain’s Boaty McBoatface Heads For Open Seas

Britain’s Boaty McBoatface heads for open seas. (Photo courtesy of NY Times)
$17.00 Thrift Store Plate Auctioned In Britain For $32,000

$17.00 thrift store plate auctioned in Britain for $32,000. (Photo courtesy of UPI)
US And Britain To Collaborate On Mars Mission; Bring Rocks Back To Earth, Study For Signs Of Fossil Microbes

Complex collaborative effort between the US and Britain on a Mars mission will bring rock samples back to earth, where they will be studied for signs of life. (Photo courtesy of The Observer)