Spaced Out Radio Tonight!

Spaced Out Radio Tonight!

9:00 PM to Midnight (PST)

Live With Dave Scott, Host, SOR

GUEST: Sean R DeGrilla – Lee Harvey   Oswald 

I am a seventeen-year veteran of law enforcement, a Medal of Valor recipient, and have provided material support to the FBI, MBI, Gang Unit and various local, state and Federal agencies. I transitioned to the private sector where I am a security manager for a medical company in Florida.

I possess a B.A. in History and am a member of Alpha Sigma Lambda Honors Society.

Growing up in Dallas, I had a life-long interest in the Kennedy assassination. One of my many personal goals has been to write a scholarly book concerning the events of the assassination. In June of 2019 that goal was realized with the publication of my first book, “Malcontent: Lee Harvey Oswald’s Confession By Conduct”.

I am currently working on my second book, “Hunter of Fascists: The Radicalization of Lee Harvey Oswald”.

Visit my website @ to view documents and photographs from
“Malcontent” or to arrange a “Malcontent” presentation/book signing.