Justin Fernandes Lost leg In Accident; Now He Keeps It On His Gaming Desk

Justin Fernandes lost his leg in an accident, and now keeps it on his gaming desk. https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2020/12/28/justin-fernandes-lost-his-leg-in-a-traumatic-accident-now-he-keeps-it-on-his-gaming-desk.html?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=SocialMedia&utm_campaign=GTA&utm_content=lost-leg-gaming-desk (Photo courtesy of Toronto Star)

World’s Largest Iceberg Continues To Break Apart As It Nears Wildlife Haven

The world’s (former) largest iceberg continues to break apart into smaller pieces on the doorstep of a major marine wildlife haven and home to millions of macaroni and king penguins in Antarctica. https://www.sciencealert.com/world-s-largest-iceberg-is-now-a-lot-smaller-splitting-into-four-pieces (Photo courtesy of Live Science)

Star Trek Star’s Ashes Smuggled Aboard ISS

Star Trek star James Doohan‘s remains were smuggled aboard the International Space Station, a secret mission kept under wraps for 12 years. https://comicbook.com/startrek/news/star-trek-james-doohan-ashes-smuggled-onto-iss-space-station/ (Photo courtesy of LA Times)