Female African Lion Euthanized After Accidental Fall

Female African lion at the Chicago Brookfield Zoo has been euthanized after she suffered injuries from an accidental fall, just two weeks after male African lion was euthanized due to age related complications. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/lioness-dies-in-tragic-fall-at-zoo-just-2-weeks-after-mate-is-euthanized/ar-BBYYqLU (Photo courtesy of Chicago Zoological Society)

Spotify Launches Playlist For Dogs Left Home Alone

Spotify launches a playlist for dogs left home alone. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-odd-spotify-dogs/spotify-launches-playlists-for-dogs-left-home-alone-idUSKBN1ZE1D8 (Photo courtesy of The Guardian)

Florida Woman Arrested For Building Homemade Bomb In Walmart

Florida Woman arrested for making a bomb in Walmart. She built the homemade explosive in a mason jar filled with nails, denatured alcohol and a candle. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/florida-woman-arrested-allegedly-making-bomb-mason-jar-walmart-n1114996 (Photo courtesy of nbcnews.com)