Canadian Gold Miner Finds 57,000 Year Old Wolf Pup With Fur Still On

Canadian gold miner finds 57,000 year old wolf pup still covered in fur. (Photo courtesy of Government of Yukon)
Kilauea Volcano Erupts On Big Island Of Hawaii

Kilauea volcano erupts on Big Island of Hawaii; residents have been asked to stay indoors. (Photo courtesy of NBC News)
Russian Scientist Working On COVID-19 Vaccine Plummets To Death, With Stab Wound From 14th Floor Apartment

Russian scientist, who was working on a COVID-19 vaccine, was found after falling from his 14th floor apartment in St, Petersburg. He also had a stab wound; police are treating his death as a homicide. (Photo courtesy of Business Today)
It’s The End Of The TTSA As We Know It! Or Is It?

It’s The End Of The TTSA As We Know It! Or Is It? By Dave Scott, Host, Spaced Out Radio Is the To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science on the verge of collapse? It may be looking that way in some regards, or about to go through an overhaul, as I have been […]
Carl The Jerk And Mothman

The World Around Me Filtered Through My Eyes By Fylth Carl The Jerk And Mothman