UK’s Young Environmentalist, Finlay Pringle, Objects To Plans For Vertical Launch Spaceport

Britain’s ‘Greta Thunberg,’ Finlay Pringle, objects to the building of UK’s vertical launch spaceport. It is planned for the Scottish Highlands, and the young environmentalist says it will destroy habitats. (Photo courtesy of The Children’s Media Conference)

Parazen, First Deep Sea Fish Known To Be Mouth Breeder

First deep sea fish known to be a mouth breeder. It is a parazen, and was found to have over 500 eggs attached inside its mouth. (Photo courtesy of Fishes of Australia)

Zombie Apocalypse – Humans Or Animal

Other Realms Contact Seekers By MoonJoey Zombie Apocalypse – Humans Or Animal By now, TV & movies have saturated our entertainment with zombies of all kinds. There are slow ones, fast ones and even once in a while, intelligent ones. By and large though, zombies are characterized as non-thinking with their primitive impulses tied to […]