Harvard Professor Says Space Signal Could Be From Alien Civilization

Harvard professor says space signal could be from alien civilization. https://futurism.com/harvard-prof-deep-space-signal-alien-civilization (Photo courtesy of Space.com)
101 Year Old Man Told Parents Must Confirm His Identity For Him To Stay In Country

A 101-year-old Italian man was told by the Home Office that his parents had to confirm his identity if he wanted to stay in the country, despite living in London since 1966. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7996599/Home-Office-tells-Italian-man-101-parents-confirm-identity.html?ITO=applenews (Photo courtesy of Mirror)
Virginia Dog Brings Home Orphaned Bear Cub

Virginia dog brings home orphaned bear cub. https://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2020/02/12/Virginia-dog-brings-home-orphaned-bear-cub/6411581531701/ (Photo courtesy of WSET)
Washington Man Caught Using Carpool Lanes With Giant Stuffed Dinosaur As Only Passenger

Washington driver caught driving in caroool lanes with giant stuffed dinosaur as his only passenger. https://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2020/02/12/Driver-caught-using-carpool-lanes-with-stuffed-dinosaur-passenger/4761581531010/ (Photo courtesy of WFTV.com)
Man From India Takes 7 Mile Motorcycle Ride Before Finding Venomous Snake In Helmet

Man in India takes 7 mile ride on motorcycle before discovering venomous snake inside his helmet. https://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2020/02/12/Man-finds-venomous-snake-in-helmet-after-7-mile-ride/8101581533031/ (Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)
Japanese Man World’s Oldest Living Male At 112 Years 344 Days

Japanese man world’s oldest male at 112 years and 344 days. He says secret is to not get angry, and to keep a smile on your face. https://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2020/02/12/Japanese-man-dubbed-worlds-oldest-at-112-years-344-days/7051581522209/ (Photo courtesy of UPI)
Documentary Claims Tupac Shakur Faked Own Death, Living With Navajo Tribe In New Mexico

New documentary claims Tupac Shakur faked his death, fled medical center, and lives with Navajo tribe in New Mexico. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7995323/Tupac-Shakur-faked-death-fled-medical-center-drive-shooting-live-New-Mexico.html (Photo courtesy of Shutterstock)
Disclosure And Spirituality In The UFO Community

Find What Your Soul Is Seeking Here By Serena Dracis Disclosure And Spirituality In The UFO Community Going back to my personal writings from January 2019, I revisited the big shocker of last year, the Big Breakup and Shakeup in the UFO Community. If you follow the UFO topic at all, you know what I’m […]