Firefighters Free Woman’s Finger Stuck In Sink Overflow Drain

Firefighters freed a woman whose finger was stuck in the sink overflow drain in her bathroom. (Photo courtesy of London Fire Brigade)
Florida Man Arrested For Shining Laser Pointer At Planes, Temporarily Blinding Pilots

Florida Man arrested for flashing a laser pointer at planes, temporarily blinding pilots. (Photo courtesy of Fox News)
Texas Man’s Headache Caused By Tapeworm Inside His Brain

Texas Man’s headache caused by a tapeworm in his brain. (Photo courtesy of KCRG)
Canadian Oil Patch Worker Rescues 3 Kittens Frozen To Ice

Canadian worked on Alberta oil patch saves three little kittens who were frozen to ice. He used coffee, and unfroze their tails. (Photo courtesy of
UFOs Sightings Reported To RAF Will Be Published For First Time Online

UFO sightings reported to the RAF will be published for the first time online. (Photo courtesy of PA)
Trump Spiritual Advisor, Paula White, Commands Satanic Pregnancies Miscarry

A Trump spiritual advisor commands satanic pregnancies be miscarried. (Photo courtesy of The Guardian)
Deadly Tiger Shark Gently Takes Fish From Hand Of Free Diver

Deadly tiger shark gently takes fish out of the hand of a free diver in the Atlantic Ocean. (Photo courtesy of Alamy)