SUV In Las Vegas Crashes Into 4,000 Pound Artwork

SUV hits 4,000 pound artwork in Las Vegas. (Photo courtesy of Clark County, Nevada)
Scientists Discover Oldest Material Ever Found On Earth

Scientists have discovered oldest material ever found on Earth. (Photo courtesy of ABC News)
Thai Man’s Penis Began To Decay After Being Stuck In Metal Tube For Five Days

A Thai man’s penis began to decay after he got it jammed in a metal pipe for five days and only sought medical attention after the pain became unbearable. (Photo courtesy of The National)
Mystery Of Who’s Been Leaving Cash Bundles On Roads Of Blackhall Colliery Has Been Solved

The mystery of who’s been leaving cash bundles of £2,000 on Blackhall Colliery roads for years has been solved. There are two good Samaritans behind the generous gestures. (Photo courtesy of
Florida Woman Arrested For Building Homemade Bomb In Walmart

Florida Woman arrested for making a bomb in Walmart. She built the homemade explosive in a mason jar filled with nails, denatured alcohol and a candle. (Photo courtesy of
Church Of Satan Founder, Anton LaVey, Mixed Up With Mob In Plot To Kill Ted Kennedy During 1980 Presidential Election

Founder of Church of Satan, Anton LaVey, mixed up in plot with the mob to kill Ted Kennedy during 1980 presidential election. (Photo courtesy of Wikipedia)

UFO’Real? A Historical Review By William Pullin, UFO Historian Commentary Greetings! Commentary. Scrolling through the feeds of various Facebook UFO groups is something I rarely do, simply because I don’t have the time, but this early morning I happened across a post in a French UFO group which I felt needed to be commented on. […]
Inter-Dimensional Entities & Automatic Drawing

Other Realms Contact Seekers by MoonJoey Inter-Dimensional Entities & Automatic Drawing This type of drawing is attributed in part to the subconscious and may reveal something of the psyche, which without this method, would otherwise be repressed, not to be known. Some think it is spirit control that influences producing the drawing while partially taking […]
Spaced Out Radio Tonight! Guest: Kyle Macias – The Hat Man

Spaced Out Radio Tonight! 9:00 PM to Midnight (PST) Live With Dave Scott, Host, SOR GUEST: Kyle Macias – The Hat Man Who or what is the shadow entity known as The Hat Man? A new documentary, “The Hat Man: Documented Cases of Pure Evil,” by Kyle J Macias, comes forward to shed some light […]