Spaced Out Radio’s Cryptid Tales With Amber Bekkerud: The Oklahoma Octopus

Spaced Out Radio’s Cryptid Tales With Amber Bekkerud The Oklahoma Octopus In this episode of Cryptid Tales, Amber tells us of the curious Oklahoma Octopus. There is very little information available on this creature, yet people claim it is found in Oklahoma’s manmade lakes, and could be responsible for so many deaths in these lakes. […]
Tennessee Farmer Turns Giant Pumpkin Into Kayak

Tennessee farmer converts a giant pumpkin he grew into a kayak. (Photo courtesy of Mirror)
Colorado Underground Coal-Seam FIre Found To Have Been Burning Over A Year

A Colorado underground coal-seam fire discovered to have been burning for over a year. (Photo courtesy of CBS Denver)
West Virginia Man Robs Bank Wearing Monkey Mask

West Virginia police are looking for a man who robbed a bank wearing a monkey mask. He was seen fleeing the bank on a bicycle, which was later found abandoned. (Photo courtesy of Stoner’s Fun Store)
Mural Of Greta Thunberg Defaced By Vandals As She Spoke In Alberta

Teen, Greta Thunberg, lead a Climate Change protest in Alberta yesterday; while she was speaking, artist was painting mural of event. The mural was then defaced by vandals, who painted message ‘this is oil country,’ and French slurs. (Photo courtesy of Backroom Buzz)
Space Walker Christina Koch’s Spacesuit Glove Got Contaminated During Historic Space Walk Friday

One of Christina Koch’s gloves got contaminated during her historic spacewalk on Friday. (Photo courtesy of NASA)
11,000 Zombies Go On Bike Ride In Key West, Florida

11,000 zombies go for a bike ride in Key West, Florida. (Photo courtesy of Sun Sentinel)
Haunted House In Tennessee Is Billed As Scariest In World: Requires Waiver, Health Exam, Background Check

A Tennessee haunted house billed as the scariest in the world requires visitors to sign a 40-page waiver, pass a physical and undergo a background check — and no one has ever finished the attraction. (Photo courtesy of CBS4Indy)