You Are Not Alone – Not By A long Shot


You Are Not Alone – Not by a Long Shot

By Cheryl Costa

In July 2013, I wrote my very first newspaper column about UFOs. The title was, “You are not alone.” This initial article was just about the general idea of the UFO phenomena. After publication, I was greeted by one email comment that said, “You have no proof.” Another email, written by a journalist colleague stated, “…writing this UFO fantasy stuff just shot your career in journalism in the head.”

Interestingly the humble column in the online edition of a small upstate weekly newspaper did remarkable things. Within a month, it became the most-read offering of the opinion columns in the newspaper. Within a few short months, the blog/column had a national audience, and, within a year, it had an international readership.

Am I bragging? Not really. I’m simply illustrating that a vast amount of people was sincerely interested in the UFO phenomena with all its implications. So, who were these people?

In a 2012 National Geographic poll: 36% said they believed in UFOs, 42% were on the fence in 17% said there was nothing to these UFOs. But in a follow-on question, 80% believe that the government wasn’t being forthcoming with the American people about UFOs.

In July 2017, Fox home entertainment conducted another poll. This new poll reported similar polling metrics as the National Geographic poll, and it added a measurement stating that 16.74% of Americans say they had seen a UFO.

In mid-September 2019, the Gallup polling organization conducted another poll in the results confirmed the 36% are believers and that 16% say they have seen a UFO. Also, their measurements said that 80% of adult Americans believe the government wasn’t being transparent enough with the public about the UFO topic matter.

So, what does this tell us? Well, it just tells that about 40 to 44% aren’t solid believers but seem to be of a larger worldview enough to hold out a perspective of maybe.

Over the years of writing my newspaper column, I interviewed many persons who say they might have seen a UFO, and they also stated that the universe is so big anything is possible. Again, confirming that on the fence, wait-and-see, wider global view perspective.

So, what does 16% of the adult American population tell us?The USA adult population is approximately 254 million persons. 16% of that is approximately 42,519,600. That amounts to one in six adult persons say they’ve seen a UFO. The folk wisdom within the UFO community was that it was one in 10 persons.

Between 2001-2018 the compiled total of UFO sighting reports to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) and the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) was about 146,800 reported UFO sightings. If we do some mathematical magic considering the 16% that say they’ve seen a UFO against the actual reported sightings. We arrive at a raw national number of approximately one in 290 persons reports what they see. This range varies wildly from state to state based on reported sightings and adult population. But, if we calculate the adult population of each state against the UFO sighting reports for each state, the collective average works out to one, and 277 persons report what they see. The difference is minor in the scheme of things.

Let’s be sure we understand what the term UFO means. UFOmeans Unidentified Flying Object. Does not mean it’s a starship, time ship, or a dimensional jumper. UFO means an Unidentified Flying Object, which means it could be anything.

This brings up the question of how many of those sightings are misidentified, perhaps delusional people or flat out hoaxes. In the six years that I wrote my column, I heard numbers ranging from 20%, 15%, 10% is being realistic numbers for the UFO being something exotic in nature. Recently some very conservative fellows told me that if I wanted to get to the bottom of it, I should look at all of the sightings with a very tiny number like 5%.

What we’re talking about here is not 5% off the top of total sightings. No, we are talking 95% off the top of sightings. In keeping 5% might potentially be genuine exotic events. Let’s see what the numbers tell us.

Looking at the sighting numbers over the past 60 years in the United States, about 90% have been recorded between 2001 and 2018.

Forty-two million five hundred nineteen thousand six hundredpeople say they’ve seen a UFO, let’s assume they all saw one each. 5% of that 42,519 600 works out to 2,125,980 sightings. If we take 2,125,980 sightings and divide it by 18 years, that amounts to 118,110 sightings per year. If we take the 118,110 sightings per year and divide that by 52 weeks, that gives us 2271 sightings per week. If we take 2271 sightings per week and divide it by 51 states (that’s all 50 states and the district), we arrive at 44 sightings per week.

Think about that for a moment that’s 44 exotic sighting events per week in every state for the past 18 years.

Is that a scary number? Some people might think that that is a scary number. On the other hand, 80% of Americans who think the government is not sharing with us what they know; might think that my 5% number is too conservative.

So, are we alone in the universe? That truth remains to be honestly shared and confirmed with us by those persons who are bound by security oaths, who genuinely know.

But if the adult population of the United States is 254 million persons. That means 80% totals around 203,200,000 of your fellow citizens think that the United States government is not telling us the truth about UFOs. We, as citizens, who have a broader view of reality; know that we are certainly not alone.

Politicians and bureaucrats alike should take notice of this one transparency topic matter.

It’s time for official disclosure, no ifs, and or buts about it. CC