Dave Scott

The Reminder Is Real

Dave’s Write Away
By Dave Scott, Host, Spaced Out Radio
The Reminder Is Real
Earlier this past week, I did a Facebook live session because I was both excited and a little upset.  First the good news.  We are proud that we started broadcasting on our first Canadian radio affiliate, Sauga 960am in Mississauga, Ontario.  What a great feeling it was to join this incredible station just outside of Toronto, where, as a Canadian myself, it’s nice to get the message into the largest market in our country.  Getting the opportunity to grow has been fantastic, and we’ve been welcomed in with open arms.  Their diversity in broadcast shows is the way talk radio should be.  Allowing us and asking Spaced Out Radio to be a part of that was an incredible feeling of victory as we continue to grow.  If you want to check them out, www.sauga960am.ca.  You’ll find some great talk radio which isn’t filled with older broadcasters lecturing how things should be along with how things were.  This is progressive and entertaining radio for our current times.  Give it a listen!
Now what got me fired up this past week was one of my HUGE pet peeves.  The promotion and coddling to self titlers.  As you know, I never name names, because I just don’t think it’s fair.  That’s how online drama starts and I am not for that at all.  But I will explain the circumstances.  I’m sure if you dig deep enough you’ll be able to figure it out, if your curiosity gets the best of you.  But what happened really upset me.  Not from a Spaced Out Radio point of view, but from a public perspective.  I know there is absolutely nothing I can do about it, because everyone has their own opinions.  They’re allowed to.  But I am so sick and tired of seeing these self-titlers get props for their work, when they’ve built their careers by lying about their credentials.  The public, unfortunately, doesn’t know any better.  I will get into this in a bit.

Here’s the background.  There was a recent article about if you’re new to the UFO field, what’s a good way to get started?  The author of the article, who is someone who does fantastic work at times, tells his readers to check out some great podcasts for great listening.  He named about seven.  A couple of which I really respect, because the people who do them are credible people and voices.  However, there were a pair of people that were mentioned that I question.  Why?  Because they go around telling everyone they’re journalists.  I know, eye roll time as old Davey brings up this topic again.

But I want to reiterate that we are all looking for answers in these fields and if we continue to give attention to those who lie about who they are and their credentials, we all lose.  There is no winning, and more importantly, there are no answers to the questions that need to be asked.  Whether it’s for the person who has experienced something supernatural or for the scientist who is looking for the new technology.  Everyone loses.  Look, to those who are sick and tired of me griping about this please know that you can be a part of the solution.  Stop supporting the work of those who lie.  It’s really simple.  As I’ve stated over and over if someone is going to lie about their credentials, it’s impossible to trust their research.  If they lie about who they are they will likely lie about their findings, likely to self promote their positions in the field.
Look, I’m just as sick and tired of talking and writing about it as you are about reading it.  But as long as this is an issue in this field, we can’t expect the field to be cleaned up for integrity.  There are brilliant people in this field who are doing great work.  Yet their work and their personalities are being overlooked.  For what?  So someone can lie and get a television show and tell the world he’s an ‘investigative journalist’?  Doesn’t work for me.  The sad part is these people know as long as they’re ‘nice’ and ‘cordial’, they’ll gain a following.  When they deserve to be put out to pasture.