The Fresno Nightcrawler

And Another Thing…


Gail Hodson Shirk, SOR News Director 

The Fresno Nightcrawler


Who doesn’t love Paranormal World? With a variety of topics, some seen and some passed down as oral history; there is an endless supply of fascinating and compelling experiences at the ready. And it’s all free! One will never find a better bargain than a trip to Paranormal World.

While appreciating the entire Paranormal World experience, people who visit this wonderland of oddities prefer particular ones over others. A perennial favorite for many is Realm of the Cryptid. It is filled with creatures of all shapes and sizes, some menacing and ferocious, some shy, some oblivious to humans, and some who behave as though they are going to eat the next thing they see. Regardless, all manner of sightings are reported regularly, although no one ever catches one, and has been consistently observed; clear, discernible photos or videos are simply wishful thinking.

And just when a visitor to Paranormal World has heard of all possible cryptids walking, swimming, flying, or slithering around on planet Earth, a new one will pop up. Within the last few years Fresno, California shocked the world with its own version, photos and videos proving this is not a static world in which we live. After study and research, the mystery visitor was dubbed the Fresno Nightcrawler, or the Fresno Alien.

No, it is not a large worm found in Fresno, nor does it resemble any of the bipedal aliens to which people have become accustomed. This one is a pair of pants.

In the 1990s or early 2000s, a family in Fresno heard their dogs barking every night. Not knowing if someone was prowling their neighborhood, they set up a surveillance camera, hoping to find the source of their dogs’ disturbance.

The following morning, they were shocked when they found the source. It was two white, slightly awkward, pairs of pants walking across their lawn. They were only a couple of feet tall, walked in a sort of disjointed manner, had no arms, and were whitish in color.

They reported the recording to police, and subsequent to this family’s experience, other residents in Fresno came forth with stories they also had seen the same things, and reported their sightings.

Interestingly, the statements always said there were two of them walking together. One is usually about 4 feet tall, while the second one is smaller, around 2 feet tall. They do no harm, and walk about like a couple, sightseeing.

When it seemed Fresno was the only place these strolling pants were observed, a new locale hit the news. In 2011, Yosemite National Park was having issues with a group of vandals destroying private and park property, so they set up a security camera to identify the culprits. Little did park officials expect what they found on the camera footage.

There they were, two of the walking pants, strolling down a road in the park. Again, just like any other pair of sightseers enjoying Yosemite, in the dead of night. They bore the same description as ones seen in Fresno; little, 2-4 feet tall, no arms, flappy fabric-like legs, awkward gait, and tiny heads, each with two eyes.

No one has been able to decide what these creatures are, what their destination is, or from where they originated. What has come to light, though, is these Fresno and Yosemite appearances are not new, nor recent. Native Americans from that area explained the creatures have been there for a long time. They view them simply as another of Earth’s mysteries.

For the more curious, there are videos on YouTube, which have been determined to be authentic, and unable to be reproduced by debunkers or skeptics. They are funny, and actually pretty cute to watch. Take a look, and enjoy Fresno’s Nightcrawlers taking a walk.

(Photo courtesy of Fresno Bee)