Can You Have Your Cake And Eat It Too?

This Florida Man  By Kelly Eyer Can You Have Your Cake And Eat It Too? Hello, My Fellow Space Travellers! It is great to talk to you all again. My story today is going to be more of me asking a question, and also a rant. This has been on my mind since I heard […]

Essential Employee

This Florida Man  By Kelly Eyre Essential Employee Hello, again Space Travelers! I have been trying to avoid this topic as, everyone has been “trying” to avoid COVID-19. I know that I am supposed to be bringing you stories of the strange and weird. I promise I will get back to that as soon as […]

Keep It Weird My Friends

This Florida Man By Kelly Eyer Keep It Weird My Friends Hello everyone, this is the president of the SOR beard club, with not so much of a news story, more of a commentary on life in general. You see, I hate the word “Normal,” not to make fun, but it just seems too “Tan […]

Why Keep Asking For Something We Already Got?

This Florida Man By Kelly J. Eyer Why Keep Asking For Something We Already Got? Hello again everyone, It’s me! Spaced Out Radio’s very own Florida Man! I am coming back to you guys with a story that I have been thinking about for quite some time. I really couldn’t figure out a way to […]

A Credible UFO Story: Witnesses, Law Enforcement, Photo

This Florida Man  By Kelly Eyer A Credible UFO Story: Witnesses, Law Enforcement, Photo The story I have for you today is one I hold close. Yes, it is partially due to having a bias because it happened near the part of Illinois where I grew up. However, this story also has everything one loves […]

Why Isn’t Everyone Using The Estes Method?

This Florida Man By Kelly Eyer Why isn’t everyone using the Estes Method? I am going to start this article off by saying when I first heard of the ghost box, I was EXTREMELY skeptical about it. This is also true when pretty much anything is brought to my attention where the ‘Woo Factor’ is turned […]