Want To Kiss A Triggerfish?
Triggerfish has human-looking teeth and lips. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/m7j98n/triggerfish-fish-with-human-teeth-lips (Photo courtesy of Raff_Nasir On Twitter)
World’s Biggest Shark Has Teeth On Its Eyeballs
World’s biggest shark has teeth on its eyeballs. https://www.newsweek.com/world-biggest-shark-teeth-eyeballs-1514326 (Photo courtesy of Newsweek)
‘Tree Ring’ Lines Around Teeth Can Indicate Life Events
‘Tree ring’ lines around our teeth can indicate life events. https://www.sciencealert.com/major-life-events-are-recorded-in-teeth-like-tree-rings-hidden-inside-your-mouth/amp?utm (Photo courtesy of CNN.com)
Flesh-Ripping Dinosaurs Replaced Teeth Multiple Times A Year
Studies show flesh-ripping dinosaurs replaced their teeth multiple times a year. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/flesh-ripping-dinosaurs-replaced-their-teeth-multiple-times-year-180973661/ (Photo courtesy of smithsonianmag.com)
Megalodon Teeth Discovered In Mexico
Megalodon teeth have been discovered in Mexico. https://www.foxnews.com/science/megalodon-teeth-discovered-mexico (Photo courtesy of Encyclopedia Britannica)