Horny Frogs Adapt To Noisy Environment By Waving Arms To Attract Mate

A species of Ecuadorian glass frog combines high-frequency croaking and a striking visual display to attract mates, in what is a fascinating adaptation to a noisy environment. https://gizmodo.com/drowned-out-by-noise-these-horny-frogs-wave-their-arms-1846068443 (Photo courtesy of Pinterest)

Pandas In Hong Kong Zoo Mate For First Time In Ten Years

Pandas in Hong Kong zoo mate for the first time in ten years. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/pandas-mate-for-the-1st-time-in-10-years-after-zoo-closes-to-public-over-coronavirus/ar-BB12hau6 (Photo courtesy of Evening Standard)

Moths Flash Spots To Attract Mate

Moth species flashes its spots at night to attract mate. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/how-one-moth-species-shows-dark-180973894/ (Photo courtesy of Smithsonian)