Study Shows Humans Will Not Be Able To Contain Superintelligent AI

In a new study, researchers from Germany’s Max Planck Institute for Human Development say they’ve shown that an artificial intelligence in the category known as “superintelligent” would be impossible for humans to contain with competing software. (Photo courtesy of Getty Images)

Toronto Company Creates Deepest Deepfake; Joe Rogan Audio And Video

Toronto-based outfit has created the “deepest deepfake yet,” and claims it is the world’s first to combine audio and video. The result is technologically amazing and freaky as can be as it brings an unreal Joe Rogan to life. (Photo courtesy of YouTube/Dessa)

AI Moving Into Field Of ‘Care’

AI is moving into the ‘care’ field. It’s not to replace, diagnose, nor treat patients; it’s to lay a groundwork with pertinent information for a patient’s treatment. (Photo courtesy of AP)

Brothel Outside Area 51 Provides AI Robotics In Virtual Reality

Area 51 brothel is offering AI sex robots for global customers. The UFO themed business, called Alien Cathouse, is located just outside Area 51, and will provide services to customers in a virtual reality. (Photo courtesy of Pixels)