Dave’s Write Away
By Dave Scott, Host, Spaced Out Radio
My Paranormal Christmas Wishes
T’is the season to be thankful, and from all of us at Spaced Out Radio, Ashi, Chuck, Gail, Jim, Rich, Everett, Amber, Kathryn, Bob, our writers, contributors, and of course, me, Dave Scott, to all of you, our loyal listeners and supporters, we want to wish you a very Merry Christmas, and all the best to you and yours this Holiday Season. May your wishes and dreams come true as we say goodbye to this decade, and welcome 2020 in just a number of days. Along with the luck that comes with the excitement of starting a new decade.
2019 has been a year of ups and downs for Spaced Out Radio. Thank goodness there were more ups! We are continuing to strive to make our show, and business a staple in the radio community, and we are very excited for what 2020 will bring for us. Your support as listeners, whether you’re new to us, or have been with us for our five years, has been incredible. The push you continue to give us makes each and every one of us work harder for you. We thank you for allowing us into your ears nightly. We look to continue that honour of being the night time entertainment you enjoy. The ‘WOO’ will continue!
I want to wish thanks to a number of people in this blog. Without the people I named above, I am not sure that we’d still be going:
Ashi – To one of the best friends and the only business partner I’ve ever had. I know at times this project hasn’t gone as planned, but without your guidance and support, we could never be where we are today. You’re an amazing human being, with wisdom way beyond your years. Thank you for everything you’ve done this year. I’m very proud, beyond words to be able to call you a friend the last 18 years. Cheers to you, and more importantly, your belief in me!
Chuck – The owner of KZFX and KDUN. I will never forget that conversation we had back in March, where I asked you to critique Spaced Out Radio, and the next night, you started running us live. From your technical support to your professionalism in believing in our product, thank you for believing in all of us!
Gail – Captain Shirk, you’ve been with us a long while, first as a caring listener, and now as our ‘Newsie’. The job you do on a daily basis is second to none. Your efforts have been phenomenal in running the SOR News Wire, and I love you for it! Yes, we’ve had our disagreements, but you’re always a voice of reason, and personify dedication to the cause. Thank you for being you!
Jim – Duck, in the short time that you’ve been a part of SOR, you have given us new direction, energy, and a ton of hard work. Your word is good, always. You’re a man of integrity, and a man of your word. You get things done and to be on the same page with you has been incredible. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, in seeing what I see, when it comes to SOR.
Everett – Mt. Everett thank you for being one of my best friends, colleagues, and mentors. Your wisdom and drive help push me. Your generous listening keeps me grounded. And your friendship is second to none. I just wish you lived about 2,100 miles closer so we could hang out more. Thanks for solidifying the Sunday show. You’re a great talent!
Rich – Little Richie G! You’re an amazing friend and a strong talent. When we added you, I knew we’d be stronger for it. Your experiences and knowledge of the subjects you cover are widely known. Your free spirit, say what you want attitude is brilliant. There’s just under 1,705 miles between us. Wish it was closer, because there are many, many nights I’d love to share a beer with you, to just shoot the shit in front of my fire pit. Stay awesome!
Kathryn – What you’ve done for us in one of your most difficult of years needs to be commended. You have a real love for SOR, and our social media shows that. You’re a fantastic person, and the fact that you believe in us and what we do really shows the character of the person you are. Thank you for your dedication.
Amber – You came out of nowhere and blew our socks off with your amazing abilities and talent. We are stronger, especially on our YouTube channel because of you. Your Cryptid Tales are phenomenal, and we are very blessed to have you on our team. Thank you for being you, and wearing the SOR badge so proudly.
Bob – HIGH BOB! To the man who introduces me nightly. I know if circumstances were different, you’d be a lot more involved with what SOR. I’ve prayed for you for two years, my brother, and I hope one day to get you more involved with what we do. Stay awesome and positive, HIGH BOB! Love ya bro!
Bumblefoot – The man. The myth. The legend! All wrapped into one. It’s because of you, nightly we sound so great and professional on Spaced Out Radio. Your music is inspiring, and I hope you see we’ve been able to support you to the best of our abilities. You are an amazing person, and an amazing musical genius. Please keep on rocking, because you totally deserve the best. You are the epitome of hard work paying off, and very inspirational to all of us because of it. Thank you!
To our team of writers. Please keep up the awesome work. Your contributions to our news section has made our site look professional and worthy of reading. The brilliance and efforts of your work is fresh and rewarding. The research you put into your stories shows each and every time we post them. Great work.
To each and every one of our guests who have made SOR memorable this year, thank you for allowing us the opportunity to bring you into the family. Your research and knowledge has been rewarding for all of us to listen to. We appreciate each and every one of you and look forward to your continued success. We’re proud to be able to call all of you friends.
And once again, to all of you, Merry Christmas to you. Thank you for listening, because together my friends, We Own The Night!
My Paranormal Christmas Wishes!
Gail Hodson Shirk