Spontaneous Human Combustion with Larry Arnold


Feb 05 2025

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Feb 06 2025
  • Time: 12:00 am - 2:55 am

The event is finished.

After leaving Lafayette College and a brief career in electrical engineering, Larry founded ParaScience International in 1976 to pursue the exploration of fortean anomalies and consciousness. His controversial article published in August 1978, titled “Meltdown…at TMI-2” would 8 months later be termed “uncannily accurate” by The Philadelphia Inquirer in presaging the future of that nuclear power plant’s ‘impossible’ Class IX meltdown near his home.
An author of four pioneering books – The Parapsychological Impact of the Accident at Three Mile Island (1980), The Reiki Handbook (1982), and ABLAZE! The Mysterious Fires of Spontaneous Human Combustion (1995) translated into Japanese (1998) – he is regarded by many as the world’s expert on spontaneous human combustion (SHC) and, consequently, by others as a “mystery monger” and “world-class fool.”
He is published in, among others, Fate; Fortean Times (United Kingdom); INFO Journal; Life; Pennsylvania Association of Arson Investigators (PAAI) Newsletter; Pennsylvania Magazine; Pursuit (Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained); Esotera (Germany); Science Digest; Seeing Journal; Rainbows; Susquehanna Monthly Magazine; UFO Annual; UFO Report; and UFO Universe.
He has been a guest on hundreds of radio and internet-radio programs, including Howard Stern, The Art Bell Show, and multiple episodes of CoastToCoastAM.
He co-produced for and has appeared on numerous television programs, including some of these fine programs: That’s Incredible! and Best of That’s Incredible! The Unexplained, Unexplained Mysteries: The Unreal World, the fifth estate, The Unexplained Files (Destination America); X-Testers and Weird or What?, The Unexplained Files (Discovery), “Medical Mysteries” on The Maury Povich Show, Is It Real? (National Geographic TV), Encounters with the Unexplained, Investigation X and The Unexplained Files (ScienceChannel); Unsolved Mysteries, Paranormal Borderline (UPN/Paramount);  plus French, Japanese, and Korean TV networks.
As of 2023, The Unexplained Files SHC episode is likely the most-aired of all Science Channel’s programming. He has lectured about the paranormal at Albright University; American University; Drew University; Elizabethtown College; Harrisburg Area Community College; Lebanon Valley College; Marist College; Messiah College; Shippensburg University; the University of Nebraska; and The Arthur Findley College for Psychical Studies in England.

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