Political Correctness Goes Too Far Again!

Dave’s Write Away By Dave Scott, Host, Spaced Out Radio Political Correctness Has Gone Too Far  Again! One of the things in life I find concerning is when people go overboard with their being ‘offended’.  Over the last decade we have seen this all too many times.  People getting offended by everything, and unfortunately, the […]

Giant Toxic Toads Being Seen In South Florida

Giant toxic invasive toads are being seen in South Florida due to heavy rain. https://www.foxnews.com/science/giant-toxic-toads-south-florida-heavy-rain (Photo courtesy of Getty Images)

Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Could Be Released In Florida And Texas

Genetically modified mosquitoes could be released in Florida and Texas beginning this summer. https://theconversation.com/genetically-modified-mosquitoes-could-be-released-in-florida-and-texas-beginning-this-summer-silver-bullet-or-jumping-the-gun-139710 (Photo courtesy of Medical Express)