Unknown Jellyfish With Red Disk Shaped Body Spotted Floating 2,300 Feet Below Surface In Atlantic Ocean
Unknown jellyfish with red disk shaped body spotted 2,300 feet floating below surface in Atlantic Ocean. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-9880293/Unknown-jellyfish-red-disk-shaped-body-spotted-time.html?ITO=applenews (Photo courtesy of Daily Mail)
Canadian Woman Sets 100 Meter Record Running On All Fours
Canadian woman unofficially set a Guinness World Record when she completed a 100-meter run in 22.99 seconds — while running on all fours. https://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2021/08/10/canada-Guinness-World-Records-running-all-fours-Julie-McCann-Vernon-British-Columbia-Canada/6101628614087/ (Photo courtesy of UPI)