Woman Leads Police On High Speed Chase; Has To Use Bathroom

Woman leads police in high speed chase after begging them to let her go home to use bathroom. https://www.foxnews.com/us/oklahoma-woman-leads-police-on-high-speed-chase-after-begging-them-to-let-her-go-home-to-use-bathroom (Photo courtesy of Fox News)

Quebec Town Doesn’t Like Name Change Choices

Quebec town sick of name doesn’t like new choices for change. https://www.foxnews.com/world/quebec-town-asbestos-pauses-name-change-process-after-citizen-complaints (Photo courtesy of Irish Times)

US Space Force First Deployment: Qatar

The US Space Force deployment is not so far away; they are in Qatar. Phttps://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-54238102 (Photo courtesy of CBS News)

Patience Is Welcomed!

Dave’s Write Away By Dave Scott, Host, Spaced Out Radio Patience Is Welcomed! I can’t remember when I’ve ever taken a week off of Spaced Out Radio.  Sure I’ve had the odd day off here and there.  Usually to travel and attend conferences around North America.  It’s a strong commitment to hustle each and every […]