Woman Leads Police On High Speed Chase; Has To Use Bathroom
Woman leads police in high speed chase after begging them to let her go home to use bathroom. https://www.foxnews.com/us/oklahoma-woman-leads-police-on-high-speed-chase-after-begging-them-to-let-her-go-home-to-use-bathroom (Photo courtesy of Fox News)
Quebec Town Doesn’t Like Name Change Choices
Quebec town sick of name doesn’t like new choices for change. https://www.foxnews.com/world/quebec-town-asbestos-pauses-name-change-process-after-citizen-complaints (Photo courtesy of Irish Times)
Police Swarm Montreal Apartment Complex In Ricin Letter Investigation
Canadian police swarm Montreal apartment complex in probe of ricin letter sent to President Trump. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8756637/Canadian-police-Montreal-suburb-probe-ricin-letter-sent-White-House.html (Photo courtesy of Global News)
Beer Company Will Pay $50,000 To Travel Country And Drink Beer
Beer company will pay $50,000 for beer lover to travel the country, and represent their beer. https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/michelob-ultra-chief-exploration-officer-trnd/index.html (Photo courtesy of CNN)
US Space Force First Deployment: Qatar
The US Space Force deployment is not so far away; they are in Qatar. Phttps://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-54238102 (Photo courtesy of CBS News)
Patience Is Welcomed!
Dave’s Write Away By Dave Scott, Host, Spaced Out Radio Patience Is Welcomed! I can’t remember when I’ve ever taken a week off of Spaced Out Radio. Sure I’ve had the odd day off here and there. Usually to travel and attend conferences around North America. It’s a strong commitment to hustle each and every […]