Nine Cows In Ireland Struck And Killed By Lightening, Spotted In Field With Legs Up In Air
Severe weather in Ireland caused lightening to strike and kill 9 cows. They were spotted in field with their legs up in the air. (Photo courtesy of The Irish Times)
Mining Company Was Not Sorry After All For Destroying 46,000 Year Old Aboriginal Site
Mining company not sorry after all for destroying 46,000 year old Aboriginal site. (Photo courtesy of PKKP)
Antique Glasses Rescued From New Zealand Landfill Sell For More Than $5,000
Antique glasses were rescued from New Zealand landfill, auctioned off for more than $5,000. (Photo courtesy of UPI)
Study Shows There Could Be More Than 30 Alien Civilizations Living Throughout Milky Way
Study says there could be more than 30 intelligent alien civilizations living on planets across the Milky Way. (Photo courtesy of Signal)
HBO Max To Restore Gone With The Wind To Streaming Service; Black Scholar Will Explain Historical Context
HBO Max will return Gone With The Wind to its streaming service, but before movie plays, Black scholar will explain its historical context. (Photo courtesy of MGM)
CEO Of Canadian Company Asks Employees To Lie On Time Cards Or Risk Losing Jobs
CEO of Canadian business asks employees to lie on time cards, or risk losing jobs. (Photo courtesy of Yahoo News Canada)
From Beyond Not Of This Earth By William Pullin, UFO Historian And Venus Miranda Teamwork Greetings! Teamwork. My research partner and sweetheart Venus Miranda and I approach the UFO problem from distinctly different points of view. Venus interacts with UFO witnesses in a cordial and respectful manner to promote safe conversations about witnesses’ testimony. I […]