Pride Of Lions Takes Over And Sleeps In Road Since Tourists Banned In South Africa Park

Pride of lions takes over and sleeps in road since tourists have been banned in South Africa park. (Photo courtesy of UPI)
Busch Contest Offers Couple Free Beer For Year If Wedding Postponed Because Of COVID-19

Busch contest is offering a year of free beer to a couple who have postponed their wedding due to COVID-19, and posts a photo of themselves on social media along with a description of how they plan to celebrate their eventual nuptials. (Photo courtesy of
NASA Sets May 27th Date For Historic SpaceX Launch

NASA sets May 27th date for historic SpaceX launch with crew aboard. (Photo courtesy of SpaceX)
COVID-19 Has Taught Us The Rich Don’t Know How To Use Vacuum Cleaners, Other Household Items

COVID-19 has taught us the rich don’t know how to use vacuum cleaners and other household items. (Photo courtesy of Wall Street Journal)
Ancient Chinese Skeleton Offers Evidence Of Sacrificial Custom

Chinese discovery of kneeling, decapitated skeleton offers evidence of ancient sacrificial custom. (Photo courtesy of Gizmodo)
US-Russian Crew From ISS Lands Safely In Kazakhstan

A U.S.-Russian crew landed safely Friday in the steppes of Kazakhstan following a stint of 272 days on the International Space Station. (Photo courtesy of AP)
In Future, Robots Will Eat Metal For Energy

In the future, robots will eat metal for energy. (Photo courtesy of NBC News)
Rethinking Retrocausality

Other Realms Contact Seekers By MoonJoey Rethinking Retrocausality Retrocausality, by simple definition states that backwards causation is a concept of cause and effect where the effect precedes its cause in time, so that a later event in time affects an earlier event. I’ll give you an example as it might relate to doing a paranormal […]

UFO’Real? A Historical Review By William Pullin, UFO Historian Books Greetings! Books. I am often asked to recommend reading material on the UFO problem, which, to be honest, can be quite a difficult question to answer. There certainly are a great number of books available that provide a good overview of the UFO problem and […]