Guest Change On SOR Tonight – Introducing Dr Bob McGwier
Change Of Guest SOR Tonight With Everett Themer Introducing Dr Bob McGwier Making Technology To Scan The Skies Affordable To Average Person
Roman Forum Find Could Be Shrine To Romulus, Founder Of Rome
A Roman forum find could be long lost shrine to Rome’s founder and first king, Romulus. (Photo courtesy of Airdrie Today)
Security Video Captures Inmate Attempting Escape; Falls Through Ceiling Headfirst Into Trash Can
A security video captures an inmate attempting an escape. She falls through a ceiling, headfirst into a trash can. (Photo courtesy of KOLO)
Bill Nye Lobbies Congress For More NASA Funds, Says Humans Could Be Descendants Of Ancient Martians
In lobbying Congress to provide additional funding for NASA, Bill Nye says humans could be descendants of ancient Martians. (Photo courtesy of The Planetary Society)
African Killfish Can Put Aging On Pause
African killfish can put aging on pause. The African turquoise killifish might not live long but, during development, it will stop growing and wait for better, wetter living conditions if it needs to. (Photo courtesy of Itamar Harel)
Bird Found In Siberia Is 46,000 Years Old
Frozen bird found in Siberia is 46,000 years old. (Photo courtesy of CTB News)