Oscar Meyer Weinermobile Pulled Over In Wisconsin

Oscar Mayer Weinermobile gets pulled over in Wisconsin for violating the state’s Move Over Law. The rule requires drivers to either change lanes or slow down while passing a stopped vehicle with its emergency lights on. https://www.foxnews.com/auto/oscar-mayer-weinermobile-wisconsin-cops (Photo courtesy of Waukesha Sheriff’s Department)  

Rare Glass Frog Seen In Bolivia; First Time In 18 Years

A rare species of frog with translucent skin has been seen in Bolivia for the first time in 18 years. It’s translucent skin is why it’s been given the name ‘glass frog’. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-51277427 (Photo courtesy of AFP)

Rescue Sanctuary Looking For ‘Piggy’ Cuddlers

South Carolina rescue sanctuary seeking ‘piggy cuddlers’ to socialize pigs, help them to be ready for their next home as pets. https://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2020/01/28/Sanctuary-seeks-piggy-cuddlers-to-socialize-rescued-swine/8441580227731/?sl=3 (Photo courtesy of people.com)

UFO’Real, A Historical Review: Conclusions

UFO’Real? A Historical Review By William Pullin, UFO Historian Conclusions Greetings! Conclusions. In the course of UFO investigations, whether from behind a desk or in the field, coming to specific conclusions can be quite difficult, at times virtually impossible. The Socorro, New Mexico landing case from April 24th of 1964 comes to mind. We have […]