What The Black Death Can Teach Us About The UFO Problem – An Analogy

Tom Whitmore Says – What The Black Death Can Teach Us About The UFO Problem~ An Analogy Mid 14th century Europe was devastated by a disease commonly known as the bubonic plague or Black Death. It reduced the human populations of affected areas in the European continent anywhere from 25 to 60%. Once the symptoms […]
UFO’ Real, A Historical Review – Stories

UFO’Real, A Historical Review By William Pullin, UFO Historian Stories Greetings! Stories. In the decades-long history of the modern UFO phenomenon, there have been numerous events which have remained totally unexplained, or at the very least, have been shown to be anomalous. The Roswell, Rendlesham, and Kecksburg cases are among the cases most often discussed […]
Florida Man, Who Also Is Policeman, Shoots Himself When Dog Attacks

Florida Man, who also is a police officer, accidentally shoots himself when dog runs toward him. https://www.foxnews.com/us/florida-officer-accidentally-shoots-himself (Photo courtesy of Fox News)
Archeologists Discover Ancient Stone Table On Which Ark Of Covenant Sat

Time to watch Indiana Jones movie, again. Archeologists believe they have discovered the ancient stone table on which Ark of the Covenant sat. https://m.jpost.com/Israel-News/Ancient-stone-table-at-Beit-Shemesh-may-hold-link-to-Ark-of-the-Covenant-61144 (Photo courtesy of Israel Antiquities Authority)
Boeing Starliner Misses Docking At ISS

Bad news from Boeing Starliner; misses docking at ISS. https://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2019/12/20/Boeing-Starliner-mission-hits-snag-misses-docking-at-space-station/2281576783151/ (Photo courtesy of Boeing)
Best Guess On Who Killer Of Black Dahlia Was

Best guess on who was the killer of ‘Black Dahlia’. https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/black-dahlia-murder-mystery-gangster-squad (Photo courtesy of Getty Images)
Boeing Launches Crewless Starliner Capsule To ISS With ‘Rosie’ Dummy Onboard

Boeing sends ‘Rosie’ dummy to space in crewless mission. Hopes are its success will end dependence on Russia for space rides. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/boeing-sends-rosie-dummy-to-space-in-key-crewless-mission/ar-BBYbpl2 (Photo courtesy of AFP)
Spider Fossil Discovery Turned Out To Be Crayfish With Legs Painted On

Exciting fossil spider discovery turned out to be crayfish with legs painted on. https://www.sciencealert.com/a-fossil-has-been-stripped-of-its-classification-because-its-legs-were-literally-painted-on (Photo courtesy of Acta Geologica Sinica 2019)
Cheap Answer To Oil Spill Clean-Up May Be Polyurethane Foam Sponge

The secret to cleaning up contaminated water may lie in the cheap, common polyurethane foam used in mattresses. https://apple.news/ATAfmCNx2Qne0OMPqs4QX0w (Photo courtesy of asianscientist.com)
Father Settles $10,000 For 3 Year Old Scratching Luxury Cars In Showroom At Dealership

Father pays car dealer $10,000 after daughter scratches 10 cars in showroom. https://www.foxnews.com/auto/father-car-dealer-10000-daughter-scratches (Photo courtesy of Asia Wire)