10 Paranormal Attractions In Seattle

10 paranormal attractions in Seattle. https://www.travelchannel.com/destinations/us/wa/seattle/photos/haunted-seattle-attractions (Photo courtesy of Rachael A Jones)

Pug Melts Down Internet With X-ray; Cute And Creepy

X-ray of pug puppy melts down internet for being cute and horribly creepy at same time. https://time.com/5752822/pug-x-ray-photo-melts-down-internet-for-being-simultaneously-cute-and-creepy/ (Photo courtesy of Time.com)

Spaced Out Radio Tonight!

Spaced Out Radio Tonight! 9:00 PM to Midnight (PST) Live With Dave Scott, Host, SOR Guest: Micah Hanks – A Strange Universe  Micah Hanks is a writer, podcaster, researcher and speaker whose interests cover a variety of subjects, including history, archaeology, philosophy, science, and the future of humankind. Along with his podcasts, Micah is a […]

Starlings Take On Shape Of Giant Bird In Sky

Starlings gather into shape of giant bird in sky. The murmuration creates prize winning pics for photographer. https://www.boredpanda.com/giant-bird-murmuration-starlings-daniel-biber-photography/?utm_ (Photo courtesy of Daniel Bieber/lensculture)