UFOs In Canadian Politics?
UFOs In Canadian Politics? By Dave Scott Throughout the last couple years the UFO subject has become a hot button topic for many media outlets in the United States, while north of the border, the Canadian Government, along with the Canadian mainstream media, have been virtually silent on the topic. It’s not as if Canada […]
Music Made When Solar Storm Hits Earth’s Magnetic Field
Music made when solar storm hits Earth’s magnetic field. https://www.popularmechanics.com/space/solar-system/a29847281/solar-storm-earth-magnetic-field-song/ (Photo courtesy of Getty Images)
2019 Year Of The Woman At NASA
2019 was the year of the woman at NASA. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2019/11/26/nasa-was-year-woman-yet-women-still-are-big-minority-space-agency/ (Photo courtesy of Jonathan Newton/The Washington Post)
18,000 Year Old Dog Found In Permafrost In Siberia
Well preserved 18,000 year old puppy found in Siberian permafrost. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-7728045/A-remarkably-preserved-18-000-year-old-dog-Siberia.html (Photo courtesy of news.com.au)
Hundreds Sign Up To Storm Australia’s Own Area 51
Hundreds sign up to storm Australia’s own Area 51. https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/332436/hundreds-sign-up-to-storm-australias-area-51 (Photo courtesy of Pine Gap)