MJ Banias Discusses Move To Bring Academic Rigor To UFO Research

MJ Banias discusses the move to bring academic rigor to UFO research. https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/research/a29875104/ufo-research-evolution/ (Photo courtesy of Getty Images)
82 Year Old Body Builder Takes Down Home Intruder

82 year old female body builder took down a would-be home invader. He broke into her home, but she bested him with a table, bottle of shampoo, broom, and by jumping on him. https://www.foxnews.com/us/female-bodybuilder-82-fights-suspect-picked-wrong-house (Photo courtesy of CNN)
Pope Francis In Hiroshima And Nagasaki Says Possession And Use Of Atom Bomb Immoral

Pope in Hiroshima and Nagasaki says use and possession of atom bomb is immoral. https://www.politico.com/news/2019/11/24/pope-francis-hiroshima-atomic-bomb-073213?soc_src=newsroom&soc_trk=com.apple.UIKit.activity.AddToReadingList&.tsrc=newsroom (Photo courtesy of Yahoo News)
AI Moving Into Field Of ‘Care’

AI is moving into the ‘care’ field. It’s not to replace, diagnose, nor treat patients; it’s to lay a groundwork with pertinent information for a patient’s treatment. https://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/paging-dr-robot-artificial-intelligence-moves-care-67270729 (Photo courtesy of AP)
US And Britain To Collaborate On Mars Mission; Bring Rocks Back To Earth, Study For Signs Of Fossil Microbes

Complex collaborative effort between the US and Britain on a Mars mission will bring rock samples back to earth, where they will be studied for signs of life. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2019/nov/24/mars-robot-will-send-samples-to-earth (Photo courtesy of The Observer)
Stray Dog Found Cuddling Kittens In Snow

Stray dog was found cuddling kittens in the snow. https://people.com/pets/stray-dog-found-cuddling-kittens-in-snow/ (Photo courtesy of The Weather Network)
This Week Live On Spaced Out Radio

This Week Live On Spaced Out Radio Monday – Friday 9:00 PM to 12:00 AM KONR Digital Radio (PRAISE BE) KDNF AM 1560, Daingerfield, Texas KDUN AM 1030 Reedsport, Oregon, KZFX 93.7FM Ridgecrest, California WQEE 99.1FM Newnan, Georgia SPREAKER UPRN Guests* Monday, November 25 – Butch Witkowski – Strange Days Tuesday, November 26 – Nicole Strickland – […]